Assessment of budgetary needs and optimisation of maintenance strategies for multiple assets of road network

Good road infrastructure is a fundamental basis on which to build a strong economy and society. As the ability to conduct proper maintenance is largely influenced by the available budget, budget definition is an important starting point in realising the overall goal.
Based on a comprehensive investigation in the form of interviews with public road administrations and private sector concessionaires, a large quantity of information on good practice in budgetary assessment and optimisation of maintenance strategies, as part of the overall management of road assets were collected during the last 4 years from around the globe. As an output of these activities, recommendations have been given for an improved, or better asset management of actual or planned road infrastructure assets.
Information sheet
- Date: 2016
- Author(s): Comité technique 4.1 Gestion du patrimoine routier / Technical Committee 4.1 Management of Road Infrastructure Assets
- Domain(s): Financing of Road System / Road Network Operations / Road Assets Management
- Type: 2016R04EN - Technical report
- PIARC Ref.: 2016R04EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-378-8
- Number of pages: 44